
Our Filter Material And Bags

Fiberglass Filter Fabric
Fiberglass Filter Fabric
Needle Felt
Needle Felt
 Industrial Filter Bag
Industrial Filter Bag
PTFE Product
PTFE Product

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The only company from the source of materials to the finished product is the self-administered enterprise. The quality of each link has been independently and effectively controlled to produce high-quality filter bags.

A Leading Supplier Of Filter Material & Bags

For more than 20 years, Hongyuan Envirotech Co., Ltd. has been a leading manufacturer of filter material and filter bags for dust filtration industry. Hongyuan Envirotech has been committed to providing customers best filter material with comprehensive cost performance. 
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Our product export to more than 100 countries and regions in the world like Germany, USA, India, Rsussia, etc. The sales network continues to be expanded with providing customers with prefessional products and service.
 No.105, South of Binhai Road, Xishi Dist, Yinkou, Liaoning, China
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Industrial Applications

Economy is more affordable


May 15 ,2024

Industrial Dust Filter Bags play a crucial role in maintaining clean and safe work environments in industrial settings. In this article, we will explore the different types of Industrial Dust Filter Bags available, the numerous benefits they offer, and provide guidance on how to select the right bag

May 04 ,2024

In the ongoing battle against environmental contamination, dust filter bags have emerged as a crucial tool for combating air pollution. This article delves into the importance of understanding dust filter bags and their role in maintaining clean air quality. By exploring the benefits of using these

May 01 ,2024

In industrial settings, maintaining high air quality is crucial for the health and safety of workers. One effective way to improve air quality is by utilizing dust filter bags in baghouses. These specialized bags are designed to capture and contain dust particles, preventing them from being released

Mar 23 ,2024

Industrial settings, particularly cement plants, are battlegrounds against dust and particulate matter that not only pose a threat to the environment but also to the health of the workforce and the efficiency of machinery. Among the arsenal for combating this issue, fiberglass filter cloth stands ou

For more than 20 years, Hongyuan Envirotech Co., Ltd. has been a leading manufacturer of filter material and filter bags for dust filtration industry. Hongyuan Envirotech has been committed to providing customers best filter material with comprehensive cost performance.
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  No.105, South of Binhai Road, Xishi Dist, Yinkou, Liaoning, China
 +86-150-4179-9965
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